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October 28, 2006

Symposium: “Thinking about the possibilities of Citizenship Education in Japan”  

Symposium: “Thinking about the possibilities of Citizenship Education in Japan”



Time table

13:00-13:10 Introduction


13:10-13:30  Summary of reporting our visits to see Citizenship in London in Nov.2005

            and summarising Civic education in Japan

            -Takashi Ohtsu, chuo-gakuin univ.


13:30-14:00 Report of our activities and practices in Japan,

           -Hisashi Morita, Shokei gakuin girls highschool, Sendai-city, Miyagi-prefecture

           -Yoshiharu Miyazawa, Kanoh junior high school, Okegawa-city, Saitama-prefecture


14:00-15:00 Current report of Citizenship Education in UK:

            -Problems to be solved, and good results to be rewarded

            -Introduction of your activities, examples and cases of workshop in lessons of Citizenship in UK

            -Don Harrison


15:00-15:20 Break Time (Mini-workshop)


15:20-16:40 Panel discussions for teaching Citizenship in Japan and UK, sharing common problems and values, or recognizing differences and backgrounds

                MC: Masahiro Ohkubo

            Panelist: Don Harrison

                     Takashi Ohtsu

                     Hisashi Morita

                     Yoshiharu Miyazawa


16:40-16:50 Conclusion

17:15-      Party

posted by ohkubo : October 28, 2006 4:54 AM


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